Sunday, 1 February 2015

Where Have I Been? | georgiamae

Hello everyone!
I know in my last post I said that I was going to commit to blogging more in 2015 and here we are at the start of February and I haven't posted yet. I do have reasons as to why I haven't blogged and it isn't laziness this time. 

School has been super super busy for me recently. I've been frantic trying to get my art coursework ready for this coming Friday so you can imagine what most of my free time has been spent on. 
Also i've just felt really uninspired as of what to post I had a few ideas but I felt that they weren't good enough. I also just generally hate the way my blog looks at the moment I feel that it doesn't look the best and you may agree. If you know of any ways to help re-vamp my blog please leave them in the comments as i'm not that technical but i have ideas. Also the weather hasn't been the best to where I live recently which as you can imagine means bad lighting. It is also the reason for my lack of posting over on instagram and the sudden theme change that i had part way through January. If you were wondering I do have a new theme on Instagram as of tomorrow so go give my account a little follow if you wish @georgiaa.mae 

I won't spend this whole post ranting to you all about where i've been and how awful my blog looks but I do want to just say thank you for everyone who has followed even though there isn't many of you I love each and every one of you, whether you came from my instagram or you just stumbled across my blog. Thank you!

I shall hopefully see you soon I'm not putting a schedule on when i will post as I know I probably won't stick to it due to how busy I am at the moment. See you all soon 
Georgia x 

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